QHSE Blog - Quality Hygiene Security Environment - by BlueKanGo

4 good reasons for promoting prevention

Written by Fabrice Tirel | Jul 24, 2019


 A conference with Renaud Foussard gave me an electroshock. Prevention is a broad subject that is of particular importance and is receiving growing attention. General Risk Assessment Form, risk approach to certifications, OHS, QLW, prevention is becoming more popular, so much the better. At a time when we are crossing information, prevention is a real can of worms... at all levels: safety, health, social, financial, marketing.


Prevention is better than cure, an adage that makes sense.


Take the case of work accidents: they have only defects...

  1. For the Accident victim: we deal with the integrity of the person with consequences that change depending on the case and individuals. Not to mention the personal and professional repercussions.
  2. For the Company: oftentimes, the consequences are a succession of problems that hinder development and have a strong impact on the results, the atmosphere and the image. This can be a disaster for everyone.

Workplace accidents are expensive in every sense of the word: Prevention seeks to minimize risks, particularly accidents, through a methodical approach.


Prevention is a quality approach.

The logic of the quality approach is fully applicable to the continuous improvement loop: plan, imagine the risks and consequences. Take action, decide and act together, check that it reduces the risk and improve vis a vis the results and then start again.




Prevention = (quality approach + common sense + hindsight) x collaborative work.


Common sense: because oftentimes, observation makes it possible to identify 80% of the major risks. And specialists and prevention specialists help with their experience to see the rest and manage the whole thing.

Hindsight: you have to take the time, stop, look. It’s not an easy thing in a society that is constantly accelerating, but it is necessary. In the end, it's choosing to slow down a little!

Collaborative work: prevention is fundamental in dialogue. A source of exchange where we collaborate around a common objective for all.

Furthermore, it is teamwork and co-creation that will make the process a success. It is also a tool for social cohesion in the service of quality of life at work. It is a strong signal to take into consideration people and real working conditions at a time when everything is focused on digital.

As Vineet Nayard, the famous HCL Manager in India, said:


employees first, customers second.

Everything is linked together.



Prevention: an approach that benefits both marketing and productivity.


When we talk about customers, we can observe a major impact of prevention actions on the brand image: you can easily spot a company that does prevention. Road markings, storage, etc.

It is obvious! It is a physical expression of a “caring” management.

The 45001 "OHS" approaches are also excellent guides for a sustainable implementation of prevention in everyday life. Moreover, a software such as BlueKanGo is perfectly adapted to implement the approach and monitor its effectiveness. A real pilot console to manage the process in real time. It is the "phygital" that will determine the winning companies. Balance is essential.

So are you now convinced about prevention? I do! As Richard Branson said: "If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your business". However, if you still have any doubts, I would suggest you watch the video below....



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